I took this picture on my way back to Winnipeg on Wednesday.
This weekend, has been the pulling together of a lot of different pieces of my life. I have a job for seven weeks this summer before I head to the Democratic Republic of Congo. PTL! I'm accepted for the ACTION program through Mennonite Brethren Mission and Service International. I have gotten all my shots and malaria pill perscriptions. I bought some cool glue stick sunscreens so I don't have to worry about it spilling all over my bag. It is starting to feel so real. I am excited to see how God is going to use my team and I in partner with MBMSI this summer.
The next two months will be intense as I work. Raise support and get all the little details ready so I can go to the DRC.
I ask that you partner with us and pray for safety, team unity and finances.
great photo. prayers for you.
Thank you.